Jai Goong (Chinese God)

I mentioned that I have an elder friend whose husband has a link with Jai Goong. Well, she told me that the Jai Goong once told her about me during a trance, that I like to rush when driving and also very egoistic on the road, by overtaking people's car very often and speeding through green lights before it's going to turn red. He saw all my behaviours! He told her that I should be careful on the road and to offer jossticks to my own gods by myself and I shouldn't be lazy. The Jai Goong also said that I never burn jossticks for my gods, which is true..

At first I didn't understand, but she explained to me that, the gods need to track you down from the josstick that you touched with your own hand, so that they can protect you when you're far away. So I guess that's how black magic works too, the demons need the body particles in order to track down the victims.

The woman also briefly told me one of the 'exorcism' stories she witnessed with the Jai Goong. It's not really exorcism, maybe the god just convinced the ghost that it's a misunderstanding and the problem is solved. It will be a wall of text if I were to tell here, but the lesson learned is do not simply spit or piss on a random spot without saying "excuse me". 

I believe you can say it in your mind because saying out loud will make people think you're crazy. Spirits can read it probably.

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