Sister encounter

Previously, I was very skeptical on all this ghostly things. I've watched and listen to alot of ghost stories before and I've come to a conclusion that when a person life ends it just end, nothing else. Until few months ago when my beloved father passed away, I've change my mind and millions of questions on life and death suddently strucked me. I keep asking myself where is my father now eventhough I know he's gone forever, is he going to be alright to walk that path alone, is he around and can see us during the funeral services, will GOD bless and protect his soul. Being the curious me, I did some researched on the net and I've found the answers to my questions. Surprisingly through my findings, I did encounter some of the unexplainable things during my father's passing. I was told that the soul will come back in the form of insects. When my father still in hospital, my sister noticed a huge white coloured butterfly flying into our house as if it was visiting and looking around. This is unusual as she never sees a huge white coloured butterfly in our home before. Its butterfly and not moth and we suspect its our ancestor. During the wake, when my father's photo was positioned to place, it drizzled and back to sunny shortly after. On the sending off day, as a son I was holding the ancestor tablet and there was this white colored insect lands on my thigh. Immediately I knew it was my father and when I touch it, it doesnt fly away until we reach the burial ground only it flew away happily. I've never had a flying insect lands on me and wont fly away for that duration of time before. The Chinese said that human has 3 souls and 7 emotions which took 49 days to form during birth and it took 49 days to leave during death. Human has 3 souls, animals has 2 souls and insects has only 1 soul. Like what Heibaiwuchang explained, human has heaven soul, earth soul and man soul. During a person passing, his souls will blow out just like a gust of wind. Heaven soul goes directly to heaven, earth soul to hell and man soul will stay at the grave. Therefore, the deceased cannot come back in the form of animals because it needs 2 souls. It only can take the form of insects which required only 1 soul and that is his man soul. This theory seem quite true based on personal experience but still unexplainable.

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